The Graduate

 Forgive the tardiness of this report, but it's been busy around here, and I couldn't get in the right head space to write about Alison's graduation from Purdue University, with honors, mind you.

Where to begin? Thank you to Amy Tokash, who, if memory serves has yet to miss a milestone moment with the redhead. Amer and I were pregnant together, so our girls have never not known the sound of our voices or known the enormity of the love we have for them. Jenna graduated from USI this year and will be a kickass nurse. 

Thank you, also, to the many people who've already said they'll drop by to celebrate her in June at our house, along with her father who doesn't quite understand the definition of retirement.

And thanks to family who'll travel to be with us, as well. More on that to come in June.

Ali's actual graduation was last Saturday, which was also the day set aside to celebrate my niece, Rachael Weir, on her graduation from Indiana University. 

None of us wanted to miss that, so we started the day driving to Lafayette, tailgating a bit and gadding about a small part of campus before the ceremony. It was great to see Ali in her element  - see what I did there, science nerds? - and celebrating with her fellow Science peeps.

Then, it was back in the care to make an extended cameo appearance in Hymera where we prevailed at a new (to us) game of Kan Jam. It's essentially a smallish trash can-like thing with a slot in the front and an open top. Set out like corn hole, you toss a frisbee toward it, hoping it will land inside the slot or drop into it from the top. Your partner can push it in, as long as it's still in the air. I retired immediately after my big win.

Sunday it was Mother's Day. I was offered a chill day and I took it with both hands. 

We'll invest in the yard soon, so I'll be taking advantage of that, too. Right now, I'll show  you a couple of the few bright spots out there as our mud mountain continues to slowly seep back into the ground.

Oh! Special thanks to my neighbor, Lois, who knew we've been busy and mowed my scrap of weeds so we came home to a less ugly yard than what we left. :) 


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