Better than church
When I moved away from my rural childhood home, some friends and family were worried that I was giving up a lot and getting very little in return. Down home, when there's a death or trouble in a family, the church ladies get together and make a big meal or series of meals for the survivors. Small towns will band together an have fundraisers for other issues, or just send the kids over to mow the yard, bale the hay or do whatever needs doing but can't be done due to said trouble. And family, of course, is always around and available to help you out. I'm not even IN trouble (not really) and I have all of the above and more thanks to wonderful friends who have become family. I've already mentioned the gifts and flowers, food and drink and treats that have come my way since my hip surgery - for which I'll be eternally grateful. Last week, Jeff was contemplating bailing on an overnight work thing that had been scheduled for months. But after three weeks of taking care ...