You know you have good friends when...

You know you have good friends when you come across a photo from an Indy 500 party and you see your husband and of your very best friends in the photo over there  ðŸ ŠðŸ ŠðŸ ŠðŸ ŠðŸ ŠðŸ ŠðŸ ŠðŸ ŠðŸ ŠðŸ Š 

and you just laugh and say, yep: that's Amy and Jeff.

You know you have good friends when you are 100 percent comfortable staying behind and napping on the deck swing while most of the party goes off for a boat ride.

You know you have good friends when you are the life of the boating party one minute and the next, you're sleeping on the bow and they don't let you forget it.  🠋🠋🠋🠋🠋🠋🠋🠋🠋🠋

You know you have good friends when you mention at a dinner party that you're taking a fan up to your kid whose summer apartment has only a window box air conditioner and her bedroom is so far away that the rooms are 20 degrees apart in air temperature and they say, "Hey, we have a window unit we aren't using; she can borrow it.

You know you have good friends when they have difficulties and they reach out and you get to help them just a little bit.

You know you have good friends when...

... they send you magazine articles because they know you'll appreciate the writing.

... they find cool beverages they know you'll like so you can share them together.

... they check on you because they think you might be having a difficult day.

... they send you work when they have too much and help you out when you're overloaded.

The Captain and I are blessed to have good friends. Awesome family, too, but good friends who've seen us through good and bad times. I told someone the other day that I don't need more new friends: I need to pay better attention to the ones I have. So here's me catching up on the past few weeks.

Thanks to Lynn Sinex and Team Vielee for another awesome Memorial Day at the lake; Team Tokash for another amazing race party, Eric, Tracy, Susan and Jeff for a wonderful dinner (the first of many this summer) and all the rest of you who've made our lives so much better.

Oh, and as for that a/c unit, it didn't work out and we are experimenting with a tiny unit that is supposed to chill a small room with minimal output. The little devices are all the rage right now, which makes them hard to find. The Captain persevered though, and it seems to be working out.  

Ali is in her temporary apartment while she interns at a Purdue chemistry lab where she's already made a potentially interesting finding, and she's loving the work. Although, the 9-5 days are "Loooooong," to quote the redhead. They'll be even longer when she starts her summer class tomorrow. She'll move into a newer place that I think has central air in August as she starts her junior year at Purdue. 

It's weird how strange having her in a sublet apartment rather than a dorm room (not that her room is much bigger than her dorm) seems so much more of a step toward never living with us again. It's not like she's not been walking out on us for years. She's always been an independent little thing. 

Man. It's getting real. So much closer to the time she really will move out and have her own life.

Good thing we have friends.


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