Until I was captured by the Sericins, the trip was amazing
As many of you know, Team Reed Indy took a trip out west to Sequoia National Park , Kings Canyon and Death Valley National Park with a couple days in Las Vegas tacked on at the end. The parks were amazing. It's very hard to describe just how majestic and huge the sequoias are and how desolate but beautiful Death Valley is. Among the things we learned and repeatedly taught each other along the way: "It’s hot in the desert." -- Alison "There is nothing alive here." -- Cheryl "That is a big tree." -- Jeff "We are going to die out here." -- all of us at one point or another. Our biggest victory and proud parent moment was sending our ivory-skinned redhead into the barren wasteland and having her end the trip with only the slightest of pinkish skin. Thank you to SPF 50+ sunblock and a huge hat that she initially balked out but came to love so much, she wore it home. Oh! And while we were at the most arid place in the U.S., it rained. More spri...