Is it that obvious?

The other day, Jeff and I were trying to get our steps - a terrible/great habit that sprang initially from our insurance provider who, if we both "got our steps" for a certain number of days of the year, would give us cash or prizes or something. Our insurance provider has since changed the program and we're no longer rewarded financially for our steps. So, even though he's often trudging along beside me, Jeff is less happy to get his steps as it's only a physical reward. He would rather ( I think) we jogged or ran because he thinks that's a better physical payoff if we have to be out I, however, believe the only time you really need to run is when something dangerous is chasing you. Plus, it hurts my knees. So anyway, we had trotted out at the end of the day because I needed some steps. It was snowing, so it was kind of cold, but there was no wind. Darkness was falling as softly as the snow, so it was kind of romantic, if you want to know the truth. I didn...