Diet Schmiet
As per tradition when Captain Reed is calling the shots, we ate our way around the Indiana State Fair last week. It's not the same since Cindy and David gave up their trailer where the best lemonade shakeups and sausage were dispensed, but it's still a good time. And you can tell yourself that you're sweating and hoofing off the poundage you're consuming as you walk the 250 acres stocked with all the animals, crafts, rides, food and beverage, sights and sounds you'll ever need. We add to that the fact that we generally share one item from each stand, so clearly, we're saving calories from the get-go. People claim there's nothing better than the Dairy Barn, but I still mourn the departure of a trailer just down the way from there that I can only remember as a white little rectangle with "Home-Made Ice Cream" in red letters. They had a hand-dipped chocolate drumstick there that probably had 10,000 calories in it but was so good. It disappeared one...