*#$@!ing Evolution
After closing out Alison's Lafayette apartment, we were in the car. Ali was driving. And cursing. Because when Ali drives, motorists who cut her off, drive too slow or, essentially, breathe in her direction tend to piss her off. It's like driving with Lynda Ruble: barely controlled road rage for sometimes inconsequential infractions by drivers, who contrary to what Lyn or Ali may think, are not out to get them. It's taken me awhile, but when I'm in a car with Ali, I tend to ignore most of her mutterings and shouts. Unless they're directed at me, which can sometimes happen. In this week's incident, I was letting her rage roll right off me but I did start musing about why it is that a certain Christian holy man's name is a common curse word but other holy men - say, Buddha or the Pope, L. Ron Hubbard - aren't taken in vain on the regular. It's my fault that Ali sometimes calls on J. Christ in moments of high emotion. I'm not proud of it. When she ...