Do NOT invite me over

It's been a bit of a whirlwind month with lots of work and activities, with Ali home for almost a full week during her spring break. We didn't go anywhere as we've been to Orlando and Sacramento with her recently looking at potential grad schools, with a trip to Miami in the offing for the last one. But I didn't think I was too overbooked for a euchre night with Jeff's beer friends. I wasn't even drinking when I went inside Dan and Carrie Ann Harper's house to sample the mac-n-cheese I'd been promised. I took a reasonable portion, even though I could have had the whole dish it looked so good, and then spied some beautiful strawberries. I stepped over to add a couple to my plate. The next thing I knew, the mac-n-cheese was flying in one direction, the strawberries in another and I was flat on my back. I might have conked out for a bit. I really couldn't say. What I do know is it sent me right back to that time years ago along the Broad Ripple canal w...