Am I that selfish or is that sandwich that good?
Seconds after hitting "Publish" on the post below, I headed for the goddamned gym. Where I spent the next 90+ minutes, working between an elliptical stepper, a stationary bike, the treadmill and the water fountain. I stretched a little bit but mostly kept watch on my tracker to hit the magic 10K steps. Wouldn't you know it, the damn thing tapped out and stopped tracking around the 6473 mark. But like that chubby Energizer Bunny, I kept going because I know exercise is my friend and because I'm still hoping to meet an endorphin one day. Afterward, still not having met an endorphin, I decided I'd earned a chicken biscuit from the Keystone Diner . If you haven't had a chicken biscuit from the Keystone Diner, you haven't lived. I ordered it on a lark one day, hearkening back to a work trip a few years ago. The conference offered breakfast, and in Nashville, Tennessee, that means grits (yum) and chicken biscuits. I remember wondering who in the hell would hav...