Just saving lives over here
I don't know what you did with your morning, but I saved a life before 8:15. Maybe three of them. I don't relay this information to shame you or to tout my own courage. It just seems like something you'd want to know. It started earlier this week when I went outside to add some kitchen scraps to my fancy new compost bin. I was coming back into the house and noticed my neighbor-friend's sister standing in Lois's back yard. Photo Credit: Ruthie "There's a possum," Ruthie said, pointing to the roof of the garage. Sure enough, there was an opossum up there, blinking away the early sun. Lois is a snowbird, and while she's away, I share pet duty with her large and super helpful family. Ruthie and I had a little possum chatter and agreed that while it seemed like the possum didn't need our help. "It got up there, it can get down," Ruthie pronounced, sounding very much like anyone in my family. I went back inside and got on with my day. Alis...