We are alright. And grateful.

Nearly 30 million Americans have been tracked as COVID-19 positive. More than 500K Americans have died from the virus. So it shouldn't surprise anyone that COVID came to Castle Row. We were careful, but we still got it. If I was a betting person, I'd bet it was round two for us. Jeff came down with a bad cold in February 2020, and it was starting to hit me when Alison's Spring Break was about to start. We were in the heading to Lafayette, and I must have looked even worse than I felt because he pulled a classic Dad Move, turned the car around and banished me to the basement where I stayed for a couple of weeks. The isolation worked. Ali didn't get sick, and I emerged from my round of that bad cold after a couple grumpy weeks. This year, the symptoms and recovery time for me were just about identical. Maybe longer and harsher. The Captain, who again fell ill before me, had more of the headaches, digestive issues and fever symptoms. We were both fatigued and slept a lot,...