1 lump lard, size of an egg
I don't remember the origin of the Bickel Family Cookbook, and I don't remember how some members of my Bunco family got copies of it, but they did. Last night at a socially distanced gathering in my garage and back porch, Amy brought newly printed copies of the booklet to distribute because, according to her, some disenfranchised Bunconians had groused that they didn't have copies. I have my original one, but I flipped through the photo-copies just to be sure it was what I was thinking, and just based on who contributed, I'm certain my cousin Lori had to be the impetus. I have no recipes in it, so maybe they were trying to coax me into cooking? Lyn sent me a note asking if my mom was a baker, based on the fact that 2/3 of the recipes are desserts. She wasn't, so much, but the contents of the recipe book is definitely a clue about the origin of my fat cells. They took root many years ago and have resisted my many attempts to evict them. In addition to softening my...